Call recorder 24

Call Recorder 24: The Best Way to Record Your Phone Calls

Call Recorder 24 The Best Way to Record Your Phone Calls

Record every phone conversation with ease. Call Recorder 24 is the most reliable and easy-to-use automatic call recorder. Enjoy crystal clear audio and never miss a single detail in your conversations. Record remote audio for work meetings or speeches with up to 24 channels in real-time. Protect your conversations by having a trustworthy call recording service.

Call recorder 24

Call Recorder 24 is a third-party call recording app for Android devices. It allows you to record both incoming and outgoing calls, and it can be configured to record all calls, only calls from specific contacts or only calls that are made or received while your phone is in a specific location.

The app has a simple, user-friendly interface. Once you’ve installed it, you can start recording calls by tapping the “Record” button when a call comes in. You can also enable automatic call recording, which will record all calls unless you specifically disable it for a particular contact.

Call recorder 24

Recorded calls are stored in the app’s history, and you can listen to them, share them, or delete them as needed. The app also supports integration with Google Drive and Dropbox, so you can save your recordings to the cloud for safekeeping.

Call Recorder 24 is a free app, but there is also a paid version that offers a few additional features, such as the ability to record calls in HD quality, the ability to export recordings to MP3 files, and the ability to remove ads.

How to Use Call Recorder 24?

Call Recorder 24 is a popular call recording app for Android devices. It allows you to record both incoming and outgoing calls, and it offers a variety of features to help you manage your recordings.

To use Call Recorder 24, follow these steps:

  1. Download and install the Call Recorder 24 app from the Google Play Store.
  2. Open the app and grant it permission to record calls.
  3. Configure the app’s settings. You can choose to record all calls, only selected numbers, or only calls from unknown numbers. You can also choose the audio quality of your recordings.
  4. Start recording a call. When you receive a call, you will see a notification from the Call Recorder 24 app. Tap on the notification to start recording the call.
  5. Stop recording a call. When you end a call, you will see a notification from the Call Recorder 24 app. Tap on the notification to stop recording the call.

Here are some additional tips for using Call Recorder 24:

  • You can export your recordings to your computer or to a cloud storage service.
  • You can create transcripts of your recordings.
  • You can search for recordings by keyword.
  • You can set up a PIN to protect your recordings.

How to Record Calls on Android Without Call Recorder 24?

Call recording is a useful feature that can be used for a variety of purposes, such as documenting important conversations, keeping track of customer service calls, or recording interviews. However, not all Android phones come with call recording built-in, and some apps that offer call recording can be intrusive or difficult to use.

If you’re looking for a way to record calls on your Android phone without Call Recorder 24, there are a few methods you can use.

Use a third-party call recording app

There are a number of third-party call recording apps available in the Google Play Store. These apps typically work by routing all of your calls through their servers, where they are recorded. This means that you can record calls even if your phone doesn’t have native call recording support.

Some popular third-party call recording apps include:

  • Automatic Call Recorder
  • Call Recorder by Appliqato
  • Easy Voice Recorder
  • ACR Call Recorder

Use the Google Phone app with TTSLexx

If you’re using the Google Phone app, you can use a workaround to record calls without Call Recorder 24. This method involves installing the TTSLexx app, which allows you to change the text-to-speech engine on your phone. By changing the text-to-speech engine to TTSLexx, you can disable the call recording notification that is normally displayed when you use the Google Phone app to record calls.

To use this method, follow these steps:

  1. Install the TTSLexx app from the Google Play Store.
  2. Open the TTSLexx app and enable the “Use TTSLexx for all text-to-speech” option.
  3. Open the Google Phone app and go to Settings > Call recording.
  4. Enable the “Call recording” option.

Now, when you make a call, the call will be recorded without the other person being notified.

Use a screen recorder

If you don’t want to use a third-party call recording app, you can also use a screen recorder to record your calls. This method is not as reliable as using a dedicated call recording app, but it can be a good option if you don’t want to install any additional apps on your phone.

To record a call using a screen recorder, follow these steps:

  1. Install a screen recorder app on your phone.
  2. Open the screen recorder app and start recording.
  3. Make a call.
  4. When you’re finished with the call, stop recording.

The call will be recorded as a video file, which you can then listen to later.

It’s important to note that not all Android phones allow you to record calls. Some phone manufacturers, such as Samsung, have blocked call recording on their phones. If you’re not sure whether your phone allows call recording, you can check the manufacturer’s website or contact their customer support.

Here are some additional things to keep in mind when recording calls on Android:

  • Make sure you have the other person’s consent before recording a call. In some states, it’s illegal to record a call without the other person’s consent.
  • Be aware of call recording laws in your state. As mentioned above, call recording laws vary from state to state. Make sure you’re familiar with the laws in your state before recording a call.
  • Use a call recording app that’s reputable and secure. There are many call recording apps available in the Play Store, but not all of them are created equal. Make sure you choose an app that’s reputable and secure, so that your recordings are safe.

Why Use Call Recorder 24?

Call Recorder 24 is a popular call recording app that is available for both Android and iOS devices. It offers a variety of features that make it a valuable tool for both personal and business use.

Here are some of the reasons why you might want to use Call Recorder 24:

  • To record important calls. Whether you’re having a business meeting, a customer service call, or a personal conversation, Call Recorder 24 can help you capture the important details of the call so you can refer back to them later.
  • To provide better customer service. If you work in customer service, Call Recorder 24 can help you provide better service to your customers. You can listen to the calls later to see how you could have handled them better, or you can use the recordings to train new employees.
  • To document legal conversations. If you have a legal conversation, such as a phone call with a lawyer or a doctor, Call Recorder 24 can help you document the conversation. This could be helpful if you need to refer back to the conversation later, or if you need to use the recording as evidence in court.
  • To protect yourself from fraud. If you receive a suspicious phone call, you can use Call Recorder 24 to record the call. This could help you to identify the caller and to report the fraud to the authorities.

Call Recorder 24 is a simple and easy-to-use app that offers a variety of features that can be valuable for both personal and business use. If you’re looking for a call recording app, Call Recorder 24 is a great option.

Call Recorder 24 Key Features

Here are 24 key features of call recorders:

  • Automatic call recording: This is the most important feature of a call recorder. It allows you to record all incoming and outgoing calls automatically, without having to manually press a button.
  • High-quality recording: The call recorder should be able to record calls in high-quality audio so that you can clearly hear both sides of the conversation.
  • Dual-party consent: Some countries require that both parties consent to be recorded before the call can be recorded. The call recorder should allow you to easily obtain consent from the other party.
  • Cloud backup: The call recorder should allow you to back up your recordings to the cloud so that you can access them from anywhere.
  • Playback controls: The call recorder should have playback controls that allow you to easily listen to your recordings, fast forward, rewind, and so on.
  • Search and filtering: The call recorder should allow you to search and filter your recordings by date, time, contact, and other criteria.
  • Security: The call recorder should be secure so that your recordings are protected from unauthorized access.
  • Privacy settings: The call recorder should allow you to set privacy settings so that you can control who can access your recordings.
  • Exporting and sharing: The call recorder should allow you to export and share your recordings so that you can share them with others or use them for other purposes.
  • Integrations: The call recorder should be able to integrate with other applications, so that you can easily manage your recordings from within other apps.
  • User interface: The call recorder should have a user-friendly interface that is easy to use.
  • Pricing: The call recorder should be priced affordably so that it is accessible to everyone.


The Call Recorder 24 is a great asset for those who need to keep track of important conversations. It is easy to use, cost-effective, and features a wide range of advanced options to customize recordings that best fit your specific needs. With its reliable and secure cloud storage, you can rest assured that your conversations are safe, secure, and available for review whenever you need them. Whether you use the app for personal or professional purposes, Call Recorder 24 can provide an efficient and convenient way to record your conversations and keep them organized.


What is Call Recorder 24?

Call Recorder 24 is a call recording software that allows you to record both incoming and outgoing calls on your phone. It is a cloud-based service, so you can access your recordings from anywhere.

How does Call Recorder 24 work?

Call Recorder 24 works by using your phone’s microphone to record the audio from your calls. The recordings are then uploaded to the cloud, where you can access them from any device.

Is Call Recorder 24 legal?

The legality of call recording depends on the laws in your jurisdiction. In some countries, it is legal to record calls without the other party’s consent, while in others it is not. It is important to check the laws in your area before using Call Recorder 24.

Is there a trial version of Call Recorder 24?

Yes, Call Recorder 24 offers a 7-day free trial. During the trial, you can record up to 100 minutes of calls.

How do I share my recordings?

To share your recordings, you can click on the “Share” button and enter the email addresses of the people you want to share with. You can also download the recordings and share them with others that way.

How much does Call Recorder 24 cost?

Call Recorder 24 offers a free plan that allows you to record 100 minutes of calls per month. If you need to record more calls, you can upgrade to a paid plan. The paid plans start at $9.99 per month.

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